2020 A Tumultuous Year?

Dear Beloved Reiki Family,

2020 A Tumultuous Year?

 Who would have expected 2020 to turn out the way it did. So many were dealt with challenges with the Covid19 Pandemic. There were countless deaths, heartaches and much pain. For some our lives will be forever changed. This pandemic caused so many to have depression and anxiety. Wow getting use to social distancing and those who feel this is a hoax. I have heard plenty of excuses for not wearing a mask. I don’t need to share them here. You have heard them too.

 We can easily say 2020 was a tumultuous year for us. for some lost income was a big challenge. Where will our next meal come from? And for some will I have enough money to pay for my rent. Easy to have fear set in. What will our holiday season look like. I don’t even want to think about it. It is very different for me. I have had to reinvent myself. I started virtual healings to help bring prosperity to support myself. Then I was asked to help out two of my friends with their companies. I consider myself one of the lucky ones. 

What this pandemic has taught me is to be in constant gratitude for everything I have. From waking up in the morning  to going to sleep every night and much thanks to everything in between. I have seen more homeless people on the streets than ever before. I don’t judge them. I feed them when I can. This is too big for me to feed them all. It is very sad to me. I send them prayers and Reiki Healing. My hearts go out to them all. 

In closing we are all in the same ocean fighting the same storm. Some of us have small ships that can ride the storm and some that can’t and may need to use your life jacket. Some may have a larger ship in the same storm that can handle the storm. Or a large ship that takes on water. What ship would you like to be on? How about a ship where we are all helping each other out with kindness and love. 

May the Universe Bless you keep you and hold you through your storm.

Namaste Brothers & Sisters                                                                       December 2020
