A Journey to Unity

A Journey to Unity

My journey to Unity has been a journey that started in Davie, FL when I had my metaphysical store. I was a co-owner and had a very successful Reiki Practice where I hosted with my students up to 6 Reiki Circles a week with an average of 50 people showing up at each nighttime Circle and twenty to 30 people for the daytime circles. I taught Reiki Classes and sometimes to accommodate the students we would teach a Reiki Class on a Wednesday. I had a wonderful private clientele. This was the height of my Reiki career. I was making more money than when I worked in the corporate world but the most important part of it all was the blessings of teaching and touching so many people with Reiki. What else could I ask for? My passion was now my life purpose.

In 2007 I had some personal health issues which showed me the support from my students and community. I felt so blessed. In 2008 I would recover from my health issues and that’s when I noticed there was a change in energy in my store, within me and all around me. I asked myself what was happening? Why were the numbers dropping in my Reiki Circles? Then I started to notice my energy had changed. The energy from the other owner was changing also, and I was not enjoying my passion. What was about to happen in March 2009 would change the direction of my Reiki Career. I was in a long-term relationship that would end and what came from that was my leaving the store, losing my car and my home. I would have to find a new place to do my practice, to live and to start over. What was I going to do?

What Reiki has taught me to do was to trust God our Spirit the Universe. I had secured a place just a block south of where I currently had my circle. It lasted two months. I was still hosting a circle in Fort Lauderdale at a community center. While there, I ran into one of my students who told me about a wellness center opening in September so I interviewed with the head person and they accepted me. I would be with them for about two years. I was also elected to the board of trustees as Vice-President. Reiki Circles, Privates, Classes and my bowl burning workshops all were going well.  In September of 2011 my energy would shift again. I was outgrowing the space. There was a change with the board and things were not going in the direction that I needed it to for me to stay. In October I would resign my position on the board. I had a friend who was showing me a place to take my practice for a few months already. I felt that since the current place was so supportive I did not feel comfortable leaving.  Everything was going well. Although at the time I resigned, I knew it was time for me to move on. The energy was not resonating with me and since the energy felt so bad I could not complete the thirty day notice I had given. With Reiki Healing I have learned to take care of myself; therefore I did not feel bad about not keeping my commitment. One of my students would be taking it over.

At this time I had secured a place that would welcome me early since I was not supposed to start in my new place until December. I would be there a month early in November. The energy I felt there was wonderful. My Reiki Practice was doing well. I started to get involved more with the new center I was at. They had a Sunday service and I felt that Reiki would be a wonderful complement to the teachings of the center. We later wound up sharing some of the same people. I was working for the center and loved it. I enjoyed talking to people and helping anybody with whatever they needed. However, once again I would be faced with an energy change. I began to see the person I worked for in a different light. I did not see her as I once did. I started to not enjoy my service at the center anymore. My Reiki did not seem fulfilling. I was becoming disappointed in Reiki. My numbers started to drop. What does this mean? I kept asking Spirit to help me with my practice and then later I would be asking Spirit am I supposed to give this up? I was becoming more and more disappointed in working for the center. I made up my mind that December 2013 would be the end of my Reiki practice. I was retiring from Reiki altogether. I hosted my last circle and handed the practice over to one of my students to carry on. Working at the center was becoming more and more challenging for me. February 2014 would be my last month working for them. I ran into a situation and felt that my they would no longer benefit from my work and support. After talking to my fiancé about not being able to go back to work, I sent an email to my boss. So now I was free. Spirit helped me to move on from Reiki and the center I worked at. Again there was no notice given.

My fiancé suggested I call a local spa to see if they would let me do private Reiki treatments for the few clients I had. I figured this would be less stressful just to do privates. After a couple of months went by, students and other followers would call me, send me a text or email asking me where I was doing Reiki Circles? I said I’m not doing them at this time. I had someone who wanted me to teach them Reiki Level 1. It would be after teaching that class that I said out loud “Should I start a Reiki Circle?” and the student said yes. I talked to my fiancé about it and he said maybe I should consider it since there was interest in the Circles. I thought about it and decided I was supposed to host a Reiki Circle. I asked myself where would I do this??? So I started to put it out there by calling a couple of people and places and even put it out on my Reiki for You Facebook page. I was happy that every place and person I called got back in touch with me. As a result, it would be Unity that would welcome me. When I called Unity, I spoke with the minister and she said Yes this is something we want here. In less than two hours we negotiated space and fees. And to top it off, I would be listed on their website before leaving that afternoon.

What I have taken from my Journey to Unity is that what may have appeared to be one thing may not be that at all. Reiki has raised my vibrational level and has helped me to listen to Spirit and to my own intuition. It is ok to take a break from your passion to reflect and to regroup and to rejuvenate. I now have an opportunity to touch new people with Reiki. I reconnected with students I haven’t seen in a couple of years. Plus I am happily enjoying my passion again. Apparently I was not supposed to stay in Davie or any other place because I was supposed to be at Unity for now. Reiki has helped me to trust what Spirit has planned for me even if I do not fully understand the process. You have to journey through your “stuff” in order to learn, grow and understand.

~Rev. Scott
