Everyone is on a Path

Rev Scott Friedman
Everyone one is on a path we call life. Some may be going to work, going home and calling it a day. Some many have some social activities such as working-out, walking, running, even ready. And many of us are on a Spiritual Journey. We may stick to one thing or another depending on what is going on in our lives at this time. You may find some that will come to Reiki for a few years, few months, few times, and then never see them again. I often get asked where this person is and/or where is that person? I have often wondered myself. I have come to the conclusion that everyone is on their journey of life. And the journey of life will take you where you need to be, to learn, and to grow. No two people are on the same path. We may have some similar interest. I have often talked about how Reiki can shift your vibration level. When this happens you maybe lead on a different direction that does not include Reiki. We are all on a path of self discovery. Trying to find what works for us. How can we become more enlightened?
Maybe it is time to come back and rediscover the benefits of Reiki and feel the support of the Reiki Community.
Reiki has worked for me and I will always be grateful for my Reiki Masters who taught me the healing touch of Reiki.

Love & Light,
Rev. Scott
