What Company are you Keeping?

         One of the challenges we face today is keeping company with people who are not for our highest and greatest good. Take a look at those you are keeping company with. This could be in a friendship, co-worker, a family member and/or a love relationship. Are any of these relationships toxic to you? These are the people who get under your skin.  I’ve had many people like that over the years. I can tell you I am happier that they are not in my life anymore. We tend to keep people like that to cover up what is going on in our own lives. Did you ever tell yourself and sometimes out loud “I would rather hear your problems than my own.” It is easier to give advice to someone else and not hear it for ourselves. When you decide to start loving yourself is when your environment will start to change. Reiki has helped me to break up those blockages that were causing me to attract that negative energy. Once I started to heal within myself I stopped attracting those people. Reiki will change your vibrational level so that you start to attract people who will love you, respect you and honor you for the person you are. Don’t you deserve to have the healthiest supportive people around you? Your relationships are a reflection of how you truly feel about yourself. Let Reiki help give you a new perspective on life. It is ok to be honest with yourself and anyone who needs to depart from your life. I am not saying to be mean about it. But you could come across someone who may ask you why have you distanced yourself from them? You can then be as honest and sensitive as possible. But remember they may not understand or receive it the way it was meant to be taken.  If someone is not making you feel good in the relationship or it has become toxic, get out and trust that the Universe will take care of you. This goes back to Loving Yourself First!!!!

Blessings to you all,

Rev. Scott
